Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Breast is Best for Knee(me)!

I often take pride in my ability to utilize my "inner Martha Stewart" to come up with creative ideas but I am especially proud of my latest innovations! Now you may think that in order to run a marathon, you must also be able to walk, this is apparently, a misconception. It turns out there are a variety of leg and foot ailments that while, keeping you from being able to walk, are in no way supposed to limit your training. Oh yes, they do hurt, but that is what makes you tough!
The only relief for my poor, aching, swollen knees is ice -lots and lots of ice. While searching through my deep freeze for a long lost bag of frozen vegetables to use for an ice bag, I came upon the ice packs that were used in my breast pump and diaper bags to keep breast milk cold, BINGO! They are perfect for my knees and after nursing four kids, I have plenty of them. This got me thinking, one of the other problems my feet are having is cracking and bleeding from the special running socks that do some special moisture thing, BINGO again, sounds like cracked nipples, I knew I must have some nipple cream somewhere, and sure enough I did. A few days later, I am still hobbling, but with less swelling and no more cracked heels! I wonder what I can use the extra bottle liners and diaper rash cream for!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I'm thinking that the bottle liners could be a porta potty, and the cream could
    treat "athlete's foot."
